Looking for the Best e-Delivery Product on the Market?
You May Already Have It!
If you’re a BGA with a license for iPipeline’s e-SSENTIALS® package, you already have access to DocFast®, one of the industry’s best e-delivery solutions. Currently used by more than 22 carriers and 976 distributors in the U.S., DocFast helps you automate and accelerate business.
Offered as part of the e-SSENTIALS bundle, DocFast enables multiple users to electronically receive, review, and approve policies -- for a secure, swift, and seamless digital experience.
To learn more about how e-Delivery can transform your business, check out our latest blog post!
For questions or to confirm your set-up, I encourage you to reach out to your iPipeline relationship manager.

Connections 2023 – That's a Wrap!
It was terrific to see so many of you at Connections 2023 last month at the ARIA in Las Vegas! Our BGA attendees made up nearly one-third of our 300+ attendees this year. As you can see from a few of the photos above, it was a fantastic time – sharing information and networking.
Did we take your photo? Check out some of our BGA guests at Connections 2023!
And if you missed any of the breakout sessions specifically designed for our BGA attendees, I invite you to check out the post event site on the Customer Portal.
Connections 2023 would not have been possible without the support of our event sponsors. I’d like to give a shout out to this year’s sponsors! Click here for the full list of Connections 2023 sponsors.
And - if you missed the news… we’re moving Connections 2024 to a new date and location: May 15-17 in Orlando!
See the Events section below for more information.

What’s Hot – and What’s Not So Hot (1Q2023 vs 4Q2022)
Submitted Whole Life cases increased 25%
Submitted Whole Life cases issued for ages 65+ increased 39%
Submitted Term Life cases increased 15%
Placement of Variable Life cases decreased 8%
Placement has decreased 5% when both Attending Physician Statements and Paramedical Exams are ordered on life cases
The average face amount per case for life products has decreased 5%
Number of life products submitted that were approved 'standard non-tobacco' has increased 34%
A Snapshot of iPipeline’s Case Management System for 1Q2023:
29 million activities on
100,000 life cases
*Stats provided by InsureSight® and powered by iPipeline data

Increase Your Placement Ratios with LifePipe
LifePipe includes a field underwriting component that will help you determine the right underwriting class to ensure agents set proper expectations with their customers - ultimately increasing your placement ratios. Learn More

If someone were to ask you what your credit score is, chances are you know it. What you may not know is if your score is above 760, you automatically get access to the best interest rates in the country. It’s funny how a lot of us push for the highest score, yet at some point, it simply doesn’t matter.
Where it really matters is when you have a low score. The financial system was built to allow people with low scores to make great strides as they build their way back to the 700s and 800s with good behavior. Ironically, those with good credit can only move their score in baby steps.
Positive reinforcement is not a new concept. Rewarding good behavior leads to improvement.
This got us thinking: What would happen if we implemented a similar system, but for agent behavior?
We’re currently working on a new tool that we call Agent Scoring, which will allow you, as a BGA, to see the performance of your agents – just by looking at their Agent Score. Much like a FICO score, an Agent Score can range from 300-850. The score is based on five categories of agent behavior, including:
Speed – Mistake-free agents have lower underwriting cycle times and higher agent scores
Submission – Follows the application frequency and volume of an agent’s submitted business
Target Premium – Determines the profitability of an agent which can affect scoring
Total Target Premium - Tracks the overall revenue of an agent in a rolling 12-month period
Placement Ratio – Reports operational efficiency and expected closing rate of an agent
Both the individual agent and the BGA can view an agent’s score, but an agent can only view his or her own score.
Much like with a credit score, our “Improve You” button will show agents how to increase their scores by improving certain behaviors. Agents who use e-apps versus paper have lower NIGO rates and get through underwriting faster. An agent needs to be a better closer at policy delivery time or possibly concentrate on higher premium cases. The intent is to provide transparency to agents, so they can beware of their tendencies, adjust their behaviors, and increase their scores.
So what incentive would agents have to increase their scores? There could be a variety of use cases:
- A BGA may want to pay higher compensation to agents with higher scores. Why not reward agents based on their operational efficiency, profitable business, and higher placement ratios?
- BGAs could provide a concierge service for their best scoring agents while focusing their marketing efforts on those agents that need help improving their scores.
- Carriers could manufacture and distribute products that target specific distributors who focus on higher overall agents scores to improve overall profitability.
The combination of transparency, awareness, and self-improvement can only mean one thing: A better experience and outcome for your customers.
We are currently working with BGAs and Carriers to refine this tool, and we are looking to launch it in early 2024.
If you would like to learn more about Agent Scoring, please reach out to Bill Atlee at batlee@ipipeline.com.

Featuring Mac Chrystal from Gen3 Advisor Group
Q: What prompted Gen3 Advisor Group to invest in digitizing your business -- and how has iPipeline helped you to achieve this?
A: When we decided to jump in, we fully took the plunge and built an ecosystem around the technology of iPipeline. This provided an opportunity for us to create scalability within our business. It's allowing us to use the technology to grow a large business with a lot fewer resources. We have a great team here at Gen3, but because of the tools we use, we don’t have to have as many individuals to scale up. We've also been able to take advantage of the analytics platform, which provides us with insight into what opportunities we should pursue as we look to grow further.
Q: What processes or operations changes have you implemented that have made your company more efficient?
A: We actually forced the issue in terms of making all agents adopt the e-App platform. There was some pushback at first, but once our agents got on board and started using the e-App, our business processes were significantly streamlined. We now have 98% of all applications on the life side going through the e-App. This helps us operate much more efficiently as a team, as we have a high number of in good order apps, making everything move much more smoothly from app to issue.
Q: Do you have any non-tech related tips for improving operations post-COVID?
A: Post-COVID, we've had to compress the case follow-up process significantly. There are currently major service challenges in the industry, so we've had to be more proactive. The old way of waiting multiple days between follow-ups isn’t working anymore, so we've really focused on shortening case follow-up time to push the process along.
Levinson & Associates Digitized and Accelerated Their Document Delivery – with DocFast®
Levinson & Associates discovered that significant delays in the delivery and approval of insurance documents resulted in difficult communications between agents and carriers, and also increased cycle time and the cost of mailing and postage.
Partnering with iPipeline, and using DocFast, Levinson created a digital experience to simplify document delivery and approval, providing agents and the administrative staff with more free time to focus on serving their customers. Click here to read the entire case study.

Dear Forms Guy,
I work as a case manager for a fairly large BGA where I work mainly with agents on the East Coast. Because I’m one of the first people in the office every morning, somehow it has become my responsibility to make the morning coffee. At first, I was fine with this daily task, but I’ve grown to resent that it’s expected of me. Did I mention that I don’t even drink coffee?
I’ve tried to be passive aggressive by purposely making bad coffee or by pretending that I forgot, but this has only brought the ire of my co-workers, and a really condescending lesson by one of our West Coast case managers on how to properly make the morning brew. Someone even laminated instructions for me and affixed it to the wall in the kitchen.
Am I being unreasonable here? How can I get this task off of my desk each morning?
Caffeinated Conundrum
Dear Caffeinated Conundrum,
It sounds like you've been brewing up quite a problem at your BGA. While it's understandable that you're feeling resentful about having to make coffee every morning, it's important to find a solution that doesn't involve intentionally making bad coffee or conveniently forgetting your responsibilities.
Here's my advice: Have you considered enlisting the help of your co-workers to share the coffee-making duties? Perhaps you could create a rotating schedule, or even organize a coffee club where different people bring in their favorite blends each day. You could even laminate it! This way, you won't feel like you're shouldering the responsibility alone, and you might even discover a new love for coffee in the process.
And if all else fails, you could always try spiking the coffee with a little something extra... just kidding! Remember to communicate your concerns respectfully and work towards a solution that benefits everyone without percolating office drama.
– Forms Guy
Carrier Notes:

For more information about Indexed Explorer NowTM
Indexed Universal Life product, visit the product page
or view the product spec sheet.
If you do not see one of these carriers listed as a supplier in your iService Tool, please contact us for instructions on how to gain access. See our “Need Help?” section below.

Mark Your Calendars!
Look for iPipeline at these upcoming industry events:
NBA Spring Conference
May 10-12 |Southlake, TX
Learn More
Connections 2024: Save the Date!
We look forward to seeing you next year – in Florida!
Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate in Orlando, Florida
Wednesday, May 15 – Friday, 17, 2024
Click here for more information and add it to your calendar!